Möbius in May

Möbius in May

Möbius in May is an exploration of the outer confines of acrobatics, inspired by the phenomenon of murmuration. In nature, this 'choreography' of hundreds of starlings in flight is so well-timed and so dense that it sometimes eclipses the sun – even if just for an instant.

In channelling the movements of birds, the members of Compagnie XY place the circus act in a continuum of movement, a chain reaction in which individuals can reverse, upset, and swing about without having to disrupt or oppose one another. Their simple stage presents an infinite space that electrifyingly empties and fills – a responsive and sensorial territory where neither nature, culture, body, nor spirit needs to be opposed. 

Möbius in May is an extract from Compagnie XY's fifth production Möbius, created in collaboration with choreographer Rachid Ouramdane.

Acrobats: Consuelo Burgos, Ann-Katrin Jornot, Forero Posada Cristian, Tuk Frederiksen, Airelle Caen, Alejo Bianchi, Andres Somoza, Antoine Thirion, Arnau Povedano, Belar San Vicente, Florian Sontowski, Gwendal Beylier, Hamza Ben Labied, Mikis Matsakis, Oded Avinathan, Paula Wittib, Pedro Consciencia, Raimon Mato Rabassedas, Xavier Lavabre

Lighting Designer: Vincent Millet

Costume Designer: Nadia Léon

Acrobatic Collaboration: Nordine Allal

Production Managers: Peggy Donck and Antoine Billaud

Tour Managers: Antoine Billaud and Johanna Autran

Technical Manager and Sound Designer: Claire Thiebault

Thanks to: Mayalen Otodon, Agalie Vandamme, Catherine Germain, Roser Lopez-Espinosa

Compagnie XY

For 17 years, Compagnie XY has been investigating and exploring the language of acrobatics through the practice of lifts. While relying on the fundamentals of this circus technique, this collective of artists uses play to put the codes, rhythms, and forms of acrobatics back into the very heart of the artistic gesture. 

To multiply creative possibilities and enlarge its field of research, the company works in large numbers. This choice reflects the company's aim to question the concepts of 'mass', 'audience', and their interactions in the same time and space. It also questions the relationship of an individual to a group or within a given social setting. 

Through this approach, Compagnie XY has chosen to be a true collective, sharing the expertise and ideas of each individual by adopting a collegial creative process. This constant desire to be part of a process of transmission and sharing in a non-hierarchical framework strongly impacts daily work and is a direct component of the artistic forms produced. In this spirit, the team has chosen to turn towards the public through the collective creation of large-scale forms for theatres, public spaces or any places that allow frontal or circular performances. 

Möbius in May at French Rendezvous@Taikwun is exclusively sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein.

Parade Ground, Tai Kwun
11.05.2024 (Sat) 8 pm
12.05.2024 (Sun) 6:30 pm, 8 pm
13, 15–16.05.2024 (Mon, Wed–Thu) 6 pm, 7:30 pm
17–18.05.2024 (Fri–Sat) 5 pm, 6:30 pm, 8 pm
19.05.2024 (Sun) 4:30 pm, 6pm, 7:30 pm
Free admission